I spent most of yesterday playing Uncharted, and it's a pretty kickass game.
I then suddenly got the urge for some "Sutorito Faita". So I started the old SF: Alpha 3 and played and did my Hadokens and whatnots. After addmitting defeat to Sagat, I turned off the game. I then got the idea to watch the Street Fighter-movie (not the one with Van Damme).
I hadn't seen Street Fighter 2 The Animated Movie before so it was quite the experience.
While the movie wasn't THAT great, there where some funny scenes.
Like Bison(Vega)'s talk about his PSYCHO-POWER! Or the fact that Guile had a sweet ride (Shelby Cobra).
I also found i quite amusing that Balrog(M. Bison) was talking about smuggling 5000 kilo cocaine to London. Another thing that caught my eye, was that Akuma can be seen sitting by a wall in India,
he seems to be selling oranges.
Well, I'll just finish this now. I just wanted to post something (this is my first post ever :)) I'm off to grab something to eat. Excelsior!
Oh and here's an explanation to the namechanges in Street Fighter:
When Street Fighter II was localized in America, Capcom was afraid of a lawsuit from Mike Tyson over a character with his likeness and a similar sounding name (Mike Bison). Additionally, when the designers presented the game to Capcom USA's marketing department, they believed that the name Vega was a weakling's name. They decided to rotate the names of three of the four boss characters in the following manner:
The boxer is known as M. Bison in Japan and Balrog elsewhere.
The Spanish assassin/bullfighter is known as Balrog in Japan and Vega elsewhere.
The evil dictator and head of Shadoloo is known as Vega in Japan and M. Bison elsewhere.
You might have guessed it, I'm a Street Fighter-fan :3
Balrog is an ugly name for Vegas, he's elegant.